I think I figured Dave Castro's clue out... 20.2 will be more boring than watching grass grow. Pretty spot on Dave. In all seriousness though, this is an interesting workout. Very small reps makes these sets pretty manageable, so muscle...
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Some bullshit. View this post on Instagram A post shared by JOHN WOOLEY (@makewodsgreatagain) on Oct 10, 2019 at 5:09pm PDT Just kidding, this is actually some OG CrossFit if I've ever seen it. A nasty couplet, just...
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Today is Small Business Saturday, a day meant to guide consumers towards small businesses and away from the big box stores and giant online retailers. Even though this “holiday” started in 2010, we didn’t give it much notice until a...
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Today marks a very special day for us at Boxstar HQ - today we turned 5 years old! Its been a hell of a ride so far with so many ups and downs, and what better way to celebrate by...
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Boxstar Nation! It's that time again :) If you've been keeping an eye on our instagram account then you might have noticed a few sneak peaks at our upcoming releases - we've received some awesome feedback so far and a...
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