Today we celebrate Small Business Saturday
Today is Small Business Saturday, a day meant to guide consumers towards small businesses and away from the big box stores and giant online retailers. Even though this “holiday” started in 2010, we didn’t give it much notice until a few years ago. Starting a business is easy. Growing a business is hard work. The reality is that 50% of small businesses fail within 5 years.
We celebrated our 5th birthday this past August. :-)
Our passion lies in creating and selling athletic gear. It’s a simple thing, really. I mean, everyone loves a nice shirt or a nice pair of shorts. What we’re creating here, though, is more than just a nice t-shirt or pair of shorts. We hope to instill our Greater than Yesterday mantra throughout this CrossFit community. We like to think that this mantra transcends your daily WOD; we hope it positively affects other areas of your life -- your relationships, your job, your attitude.
While it may be unrealistic to think that we’ll be the next Nike or Reebok, we hope to make enough impact on our little area of the fitness world to make a difference.
You see, we don’t have a massive warehouse with hundreds (or even dozens) of employees. Truth is, we still run this company out of a basement and there’s just a few of us that do it all -- product creation, marketing, manufacturing, order fulfillment, customer service. Each and every day we work our tails off to build this business.
We’re proud of the growth of this business. Back in 2013 we started by just selling a couple of t-shirts to some friends. Now we’ve served 10s of 1000s of customers across the world. We’re proud of our growth but we’re not done yet. Not even close.
On this Small Business Saturday, please consider shutting down your Amazon app and shopping “local”.
We thank you for your business and continued support.
Jason & Jason
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